Ace in the Hole

April 22, 2010

Today I started a blog post called “4 Essential Components of a Nonfiction Masterpiece.” As has happened in the past, when writing an article, I finished the thing and then said, “You know what, this is pretty good. I should get it published somewhere, instead of just posting it on my blog.”

It’s kind of annoying when this happens. It’s like you’re playing poker and come up with pocket aces. There are millions of ways you could play it, and most of them end with you not making as much money as you want. Experienced poker players will tell you that they don’t get nervous when they’re dealt 7-2 offsuit, because they know exactly how to play it. It’s those aces that get them jittery.

But of course, it’s not for the 7-2 moments that they’re playing the game.

So now I’m in the process of trying to find an editor who’s interested, which could take months. And in the meantime, I’ll be working on another article with which to inaugurate my “writing for nonfiction writers” newsletter.

Show us the flop.