Dances with Fat

I own the life rights to Ragen Chastain, a national speaker whose blog,, receives 20,000 hits per week. At 5’4”, 280 lbs, Ragen may look like she’s eaten a few cheeseburgers too many, but she happens to be one of the best competitive dancers in the world. She was also once sold to a Malian prince for two air conditioners. But we’ll get to that.

When Ragen ends up at a gay cowboy bar on a first date, she agrees to enter a country dance contest. To Ragen the surprise isn’t when they win their first contest: it’s when the judge, Cindi, says, “Think how good you’ll be once you take the weight off.”

It all comes to a head right before the championship, when Cindi corners her in an elevator and screams “You have no business wearing spaghetti straps!”

An April 2013 reading of Dances with Fat was extremely well received. Contact David Kassin Fried to read the script.

Bio: I was on the development team for two animated sitcoms, have completed two feature screenplay adaptations (including a paid assignment to adapt Laura Gallier’s paranormal thriller, The Delusion), and have been a professional ghost writer and book editor for six years. In 2010 my book, Ups & Downs, was a finalist for the IPPY Awards and Foreword Book of the Year Awards.

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