
My thoughts on the movie Kick-Ass:

Voice-over shouldn’t have been necessary. It definitely added something, instead of just being a crutch, but especially at the beginning, the self-description stating the obvious was superbly annoying. “That’s me, the kind of nothing guy who’s basically invisible and not cool at all.” No duh! Thanks for talking to us like we’re a bunch of morons, douchebag.

I was surprised by Hit Girl and Big Daddy’s awesome ass-kicking abilities. From the coming attractions, I was expecting the whole thing to be a spoof, but it had some superpower edge to it, which was kind of cool.

The main character, Dave: soooo annoying. Seriously, dude, by the end of the second act, you should be done being a pussy. Or at least be only pussyish. Make some effing decisions for yourself, already, instead of just being the object of everyone acting around you.

How the hell do these people find so much violent crime, anyway? Some people go their entire lives without witnessing a violent act, and this guy is finding like three random incidents on the street inside of a week. Even if you’re in Harlem looking for it, is it really that easy to just walk down the street and ask somebody to knife you?

The verdict: it was completely ridiculous, but fun, and pretty awesome. If you’re into superhero movies, it’s a must see, if you’re not, wait for the DVD.

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